All posts by Webservant

12 Step Call Volunteering

When a person who is new to AA contacts the Central Service Office and needs help getting to a meeting, we have a list of members who we call, based on location, to contact this person.

If you would like to be on this list, please fill in the information below. The minimum sobriety requirement is one year. We always match the person asking for a ride with someone of the same gender. Your information will not be given out. All information is required.

Email the Office Coordinator and Include:

(Just copy below and paste into your email)

  1. Sobriety Date:
  2. First Name:
  3. Last Name:
  4. City:
  5. Phone Number:
  6. Email Address:
  7. Your Gender (M/F):
  8. Available Day(s):
  9. Available Times (morning, afternoon, evening, any):